Saturday, December 28, 2019
3 Soft Skills That Help You Stand Out at Work - The Muse
3 Soft Skills That Help You Stand Out at Work - The Muse3 Soft Skills That Help You Stand Out at WorkCultivating the right skills in your career will make the difference between getting a promotion and getting passed over for one, landing your dream job and settling for a role you dont love, and being given that big new account or watching your elend-so-favorite co-worker get the opportunity. The question is, which soft skills are the right ones?Whether youre a career veteran or just entering the workforce, here are three highly-underrated soft skills thatll help you no matter where you go in your career1. FocusIn his book, Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, author Cal Newport outlines the benefits of the intense focus you have when youre fully engulfed in a task (a.k.a., not checking Twitter or Facebook).Newport lays out three reasons why its such a valuable skill. First, those periods of concentrated effort allow you to produce more than usual. Second, most people gravitate toward easier work (checking email) versus hard, satisfying tasks (that big project youve been delaying), so itll help you stand out. Third, it maximizes the use of your skills and talents in a way that gives your work more meaning and you more satisfaction.Develop It Block Out Time (and Space)Its impossible to practice your focus if youre constantly interrupted to go to meetings. Fix this by identifying one segment of your day and block it off from any meetings. Look for a two-hour time slot when you can just think and work- and then mark it as busy on your calendar.Next, set up your environment so you can focus on difficult tasks without temptation. Consider browser apps like Self-Control- its free- or Freedom. Put your phone on airplane mode. Turn off notifications on your computer. If your team is on Slack, set yourself to Do not disturb. The more time you make to practice and engage with focused work, the more prepared youll be to tackle these kinds of projects when they arise.2. Openness to FeedbackIt doesnt matter how well you deliver feedback If you wont listen to critiques about your own work, youll never grow (not to mention, youll make yourself pretty unapproachable). People will not only be less inclined to work with you, but they also may discount your advice in return. In Thanks for the Feedback The Science and Art of Receiving Feedback Well, authorsDouglas Stone and Sheila Heen walk through the challenges of receiving feedback. For example, when you hear constructive criticism, your initial gut response is often to say, Youre wrong. But being defensive wont help you grow.Develop It Listen AttentivelyInstead of insisting the other person is wrong, Stone and Heen suggest a different tact Thats interesting. I would like to understand more about why we see this differently. By asking for specifics, you can get to the root behaviors and observations leading to their judgment.Now, often in feedback conversations, two or more topics po p up. Dont try to tackle everything at once.For example, lets say you walk into your managers office and receive this onslaughtI just wanted to chat with you about that project youre working on. Youre behind schedule, and Im concerned that its not headed in the right direction.There are actually two issues here. First, theres the pace of the project. Second, theres the overall direction. Trying to tackle these at the same time means each could get short shrift. Instead, when you notice this happening in conversation, use this line from Stone and Heens bookI see two related but separate topics for us to discuss. They are both important. Lets discuss each topic fully but separately, giving each topic its own track.When you say this- and then actually listen- youll impress your co-workers with your ability to both hear and incorporate their feedback.3. AccountabilityIts one thing to enthusiastically volunteer for a new project. But its another to see it though to completion.Sometimes y ou may bite off more than you can chew, but you dont want to make it a habit. According to a study on over-commitment, its hard to know what future tasks will take up our time, so we underestimate and expect to have more available time in the future than we actually do. Additionally, people underestimate how long projects will actually take.Develop It Overestimate and Plan for the WorstUse the Scotty Principle Determine how long you think a task will take. Then, add 25% to 50% and promise itll be done by the end of the lengthier estimate. Best-case scenario, youll finish with time to spare.But best-case scenarios, while awesome, are not what you should be planning for. If youre chronically struggling with deadlines, stop scheduling your day based on everything going right. Assume at least one thing wont swing your way. Better yet, plan for this by schauplatz aside blocks of time strictly for unexpected items. For example, three or four days a week, I build in a 45-minute block just for catch up on random tasks that I didnt anticipate. This way, youre building in contingencies so you can start meeting deadlines and be seen as someone whos 100% dependable.Like any other skill on your resume, you cant master these within a week or even a month. It will take consistent work however learning these skills is a surefire way to keep growing and stand out at work.
Monday, December 23, 2019
How Hapkit Enables Engagement
How Hapkit Enables Engagement How Hapkit Enables Engagement How Hapkit Enables EngagementLearning engages the senses but one sense that is often neglected is feeling. Hapkit, a new device at Stanford University, may make some feel differently.According to Stanfords website, the Hapkit allows users to input motions and feel programmed forces in one degree of freedom. This enables interactive simulation of virtual environments that represent realistic physics (such as springs and dampers) and creative new touch sensations (like textures and buttons).Hapkits can be built using purchased components. namen Stanford UniversityAllison Okamura, a mechanical engineering professor at the school, says Hapkit came about partly through the limitations seen with online courses. Attention can be limited and you cant have labs, she says. It seemed it would be interesting to take what we used as an in-classroom tool and see if we could make it accessible for anyone to use or build so they could do a hands-on laboratory as part of their online class. And, related to that, could you increase the engagement that students would have if, in these labs, people had that ownership over a device.The Hapkit used in the first online class, a haptics course partly involving how to program virtual environments, was developed by Stanford University graduate student Tania Morimoto. We only let in 100 students and we purchased the material that would be used for those students, Okamura recalls. It was basically a box of parts and there was explanation on how to assemble, calibrate, and program.The parts included a low-cost microprocessor. Working with an open source hardware company led to Hapkit having amplifiers to run the motor as well as a sensor to measure the orientation of the motor on the device.The results were strong, Okamura says. We found 77 percent of students who finished the online course and did our post-course survey showed that owning the device and assembling it on their own was important for their learning and engagement, she says.Some parts of the kit can be pritnted using files available on the Hapkit website. Image Stanford UniversityA later iteration of this system utilized a 3D printed version in order for students to download the design of parts and print them. They also ordered parts such as motors. Students could gather the parts and make it themselves, she says. It was also interesting to see them make mistakes through this iteration and see how you debug and interact with them through an online forum.An example of what they encountered in the class is programming a virtual wall. On one side of the wall you feel nothing, but when you hit the wall, you feel a very stiff spring. Youre moving the handle and you hit something hard and its because you programmed it, she says. It can be an exciting feeling for a student. The continuing challenge for us is proving that there are better learning outcomes with Hapkit than without Hapkit. But the feedb ack weve gotten has been positive, and future results will hopefully lead to us to help change learning in a positive way.Eric Butterman is an independent writer.The continuing challenge for us is proving that there are better learning outcomes with Hapkit than without Hapkit.Prof. Allison Okamura, Stanford University
Thursday, December 19, 2019
Success Focus on these 4 mindsets to rise to the top
Success Focus on these 4 mindsets to rise to the topSuccess Focus on these 4 mindsets to rise to the topSuccess is a mind game. If you dont believe this, take a look around.There are plenty of people who have extraordinary talent, passion, and skills but arent succeeding in business or winning the game of life.Do you know a gifted web designer or coach whos barely making ends meet? Maybe youre friends with an incredibly smart and driven entrepreneur who cant pay the rent. Or maybe you think that talented yet not so successful person is you.You could be thinking I know I have the skills to succeed, but I have no idea how Im going to pay the bills this month.When it comes to rising to the top, talent, skills, and passion are just part of the game plan. The rest is all about your mindset.Here are four of the most powerful mindsets successful people share. Play up the ones you have and work on the ones you dont.1. Start, then finishYou have all you need to achieve your goals. Youre drive n, geared up, and you dont mind doing the work to get there. In fact, youre looking forward to it.So, when exciting projects and collaborations enter your radar, you say yes - to all of them. You think being successful is about having lots of amazing projects going on at the same time. I hate to be the one to tell you this, but youre wrong.I welches quite competitive in my early career, always eager to take on new projects with high goals. Sometimes I got really lucky and hit my goals, but I used to fail a lot more than I used to win. I realized after some time that it wasnt because of a lack of skills or knowledge.I wasnt focusing on the things that reallymattered.Truly successful people are very careful about choosing what projects to work on. Their main focus is to follow through and finish what they start. No matter how good the project, no matter how great the idea, you wont see results or massive forward movement in your life and business if you never finish what you start.Re member, going all out for one or two good projects beats going halfway on 100 great projects. Always.2. Go for growthIn her book, Mindset Changing the Way You Think to Fulfill Your Potential, Stanford University Psychologist Dr. Carol S. Dweck explains that successful people focus on growth.A growth mindset arises from the belief that achieving success is about continuous, consistent improvement. If you focus on growth, you see success as a journey rather than a destination. This means youre always open to learning and improving until you achieve your goals.Successful people are happy to keep trying until they get what they want. Theyre willing to try all kinds of strategies and techniques because they know theyll eventually get where they want to go. And theyre right.3. Develop a positive inner beliefCheck your negative beliefs at the door. Your beliefs influence your outer behaviors and actions, meaning you need to believe you can succeed before youactually do.When you have a stro ng will to succeed, youll naturally direct your focus toward solutions rather than problems. If your beliefs about yourself and your ability to hit your goals are negative, its almost impossible to achieve what you set out to do.Think about it like this Imagine you want to sell a product or service. If you dont believe in what youre selling or doing, then why would the client buy it? Now, if you started the conversation believing in yourself and the value of what you are selling, then the kompetenz client would feel it too. Your approach, communication, and body movement change. This is the ultimate mind shift.Even if you manage to reach your goal, the road to success will be a very steep, uphill climb. Every win will feel like a hard-won war. Every obstacle will feel insurmountable. Most people give up long before they get to the top.Successful people avoid this pitfall because they can take forward actions that are consistent with their positive inner beliefs. Theyre able to get u p off the couch and take the right actions that help them become achievers.There are different activities you can follow to develop this, such aspositive thinking, visualization, meditation and yoga. I start my mornings with some rituals, including meditation, that give me the positive energy and clarity I need to kick off my day in the best way.4. Accept yourselfSuccessful people understand who they are. They know their goals and dreams inside out. They know their values, their skills, and their abilities. They are also incredibly clear about their weaknesses. They dont try to be amazing at everything, and they dont try to be someone theyre not.If you cant stand parties and networking events, stay at home and connect via online events. If you know you cant navigate the uncertainty of entrepreneurship, work for someone you like, and trust that this path will bring you the most joy and fulfillment.High achievers never forget that their mindset is what helps them achieve ongoing succe ss. When you make an effort to shift your mindset, all your other incredible personality traits and skills will come together to propel youforward.The added benefit? Youll have a lot more fun getting there.This article originally appeared on BusinessCollective.Ajit Nawalkhais the co-founder of Mindvalley, an angel investor, and the face of Zentrepreneur and Evercoach.
Saturday, December 14, 2019
To have freedom in your life, stop avoiding this one thing
To have freedom in your life, stop avoiding this one thingTo have freedom in your life, stop avoiding this one thingYour brain wants your life to be predictable.Your emotions want your life to be stable.But stability and predictability are, interestingly, how you stay stuck and in survival-mode.You can only have freedom in your life when you leave stability and predictability behind you.You canleid be free unless you step into the unknown.If youre not willing to step into the unknown, then youre a hostage to what you know. Youre a slave to your current circumstances.Youre a slave to your emotions.Youre a slave to your story.Youre a slave to the fixed-mindset you have about what you think you are.The fear of loss warps your reality by 57xIn the book, Thinking Fast And Slow, Danny Kahneman uses Prospect Theory to explain that, as human beings, we fear loss far more than we value gain.In the book and in his studies, Kahneman said that our perspective of reality is actually exaggerated a t least double when were afraid of losing something.But thats only what he reported in his studies because he knew his work would be under a great verstndigung im strafverfahren of scrutiny. In more private settings, he has said his data actually shows that people inflate or exaggerate reality by 57X when they fear avoiding loss.- - - Theres a girl I know who really loves her job. Well, she doesnt necessarily love her job. But she loves a lot of what the job allows her to learn, experience, and do.There is also a lot about her job that limits, frustrates, and constrains her.In many ways, its clear this job - although amazing - isnt the right fit for her. But she doesnt want to lose all of the interesting and exciting perks that come with her job.Her fear of loss keeps her in a distributionspolitik of certainty.She doesnt want to venture-off into a place of uncertainty, even though deep down it feels like the right thing to do.But thats actually the only place she can be free.Wit hout uncertainty, you cant actually be free.If you must live in a world where everything is certain and predictable, then youre stuck in a bubble.Youre stuck in your story and in the emotions of your past.Youre not willing to face a future filled with unknowns. And if youre unwilling to face a future of unknowns, then you cant be free.Uncertainty is the foundation of all fearYour brain wants to predict the outcomes of your behavior.Your body wants to experience emotions that feel safe.As a result, you avoid the things you fear.You avoid the things you cannot predict.Interestingly, people stay in even terrible addictions because, at least while in the addiction, their life is predictable. Even when they know their life is being destroyed, the fear of the unknown keeps them from changing their lives.All fear exists in the future.The things you fear do not actually exist in the hear-and-now, but rather, as a projection or prediction - that may or may not be accurate.In fact, because f ear is often based on perceived loss, you can absolutely expect that your fear-based projects are inaccurate - often by 57X.Feeling protected vs. being comfortableIn a recent interview, Kobe Bryant told the story of his first year playing basketball at age 11. He scored zero points. He welches terrible.After that season, his dad looked him in the eyes and said, I dont care if you scored 60 points or 0 points. I will love you no matter what.That welches exactly what Kobe needed to hear. He knew that regardless of his behavior - he was safe. His father would love him.This protection gave Kobe permission to fail. It gave him permission to take risks. The buffer of his fathers love allowed Kobe to step outside of his comfort zone - to the only place high performance can exist.If you dont feel protected in your relationships, it can be hard to push your own boundaries. It can be hard to be free, because youre actually a slave to the relationship. This is living in an unhealthy depende nt state where everything you do is based on trying to please other people.But when you feel loved and protected regardless of outcomes, then you can rise to independence and attempt things that will likely fail, often.The next season, Kobe began failing intensely and as a result he began learning intensely. He left his comfort zone behind and began playing in the realms of creativity and imagination - where no limits were placed upon him.All he had to do was step beyond the boundaries of who he had been in the past, and step into the new role and identity emblazoned in his own imagination and fortified by his fathers love.He embraced the unknown over and over because he was willing to be free - free to see what was possible, to fail, to explore, to create. Free to become legendary.Thus, Kobes story highlights that we actually do need some form of stability in our lives - in his case his fathers love - to embrace the instability and unpredictability of massive growth and purpose .Much of our own personal experience will feel very insecure and hazy as we embrace new obstacles and challenges. But we will have a protection and trust we can hold on to, that gives us power and strength to face the uncertainty. For many, this protection comes from their Higher Power.ConclusionYou cannot be free without uncertainty.You cannot be free within your comfort zone.You cannot be free in your story.The price of freedom is uncertainty.If you can handle the emotional angst of not knowing what will happen, then you can absolutely be free.You can experience a level of freedom, creativity, success, and personal evolution that is extremely rare - not because it isnt possible, but because the price of uncertainty is more than fruchtwein are willing to pay.Most people will rarely if ever genuinely create something. As educator and reformer, Sir Ken Robinson, has said, If youre not prepared to be wrong, youll never come up with anything original.If youre going to surpass the limi ting confines of your current identity and past and enter a realm where practically anything is possible, you will need to embrace uncertainty.Youll need to stop obsessing about how things will turn out.Youll need to be okay when things fall apart.Youll need to get up immediately when you fail - or succeed - and approach the next goal.- - - Are you free, or are you a slave to certainty?Are you a slave to needing to know how things will turn out?If youre not free, then youre not living.If youre not free, then youre not evolving.If youre not free, then youre not learning and becoming. Rather, youre stuck in your past where its safe and known. Stuck in your experiences and nostalgia. Missing a world of limitless creativity and possibility and joy.The only thing you have to lose by stepping outside of certainty and outside of your story is your emotional dateianhang to your past. If you can let go of this attachment, then you have everything to learn and everything to gain.Will you be free?Ready toupgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.To have freedom in your life, stop avoiding this one thingYour brain wants your life to be predictable.Your emotions want your life to be stable.Follow Ladders on FlipboardFollow Ladders magazines on Flipboard covering Happiness, Productivity, Job Satisfaction, Neuroscience, and moreBut stability and predictability are, interestingly, how you stay stuck and in survival-mode.You can only have freedom in your life when you leave stability and predictability behind you.You cannot be free unless you step into the unknown.If youre not willing to step into the unknown, then youre a hostage to what you know. Youre a slave to your current circumstances.Youre a slave to your emotions.Youre a slave to your story.Youre a slave to the fixed-mindset you have about what you think you are.The fear of loss warps your reality by 57xIn the book, Thinking Fast And Slow, Danny Kahneman uses Prospect Theory to explain that, as human beings, we fear loss far more than we value gain.In the book and in his studies, Kahneman said that our perspective of reality is actually exaggerated at least double when were afraid of losing something.But thats only what he reported in his studies because he knew his work would be under a great deal of scrutiny. In more private settings, he has said his data actually shows that people inflate or exaggerate reality by 57X when they fear avoiding loss.- - - Theres a girl I know who really loves her job. Well, she doesnt necessarily love her job. But she loves a lot of what the job allows her to learn, experience, and do.There is also a lot about her job that limits, frustrates, and constrains her.In many ways, its clear this job - although amazing - isnt the right fit for her. But she doesnt want to lose all of the interesting and exciting perks that come with her job.Her fear of loss keeps her in a place of certainty.She doesnt want to venture-off into a place of uncertainty, even though deep down it feels like the right thing to do.But thats actually the only place she can be free.Without uncertainty, you cant actually be free.If you must live in a world where everything is certain and predictable, then youre stuck in a bubble.Youre stuck in your story and in the emotions of your past.Youre not willing to face a future filled with unknowns. And if youre unwilling to face a future of unknowns, then you cant be free.Uncertainty is the foundation of all fearYour brain wants to predict the outcomes of your behavior.Your body wants to experience emotions that feel safe.As a result, you avoid the things you fear.You avoid the things you cannot predict.Interestingly, people stay in even terrible addictions because, at least while in the addiction, their life is predictable. Even when they know their life is being destroyed, the fear of the unknown keeps them from changing their lives.All fear exists in the future.The things you fear do not actually exist in the hear-and-now, but rather, as a projection or prediction - that may or may not be accurate.In fact, because fear is often based on perceived loss, you can absolutely expect that your fear-based projects are inaccurate - often by 57X.Feeling protected vs. being comfortableIn a recent interview, Kobe Bryant told the story of his first year playing basketball at age 11. He scored zero points. He was terrible.After that season, his dad looked him in the eyes and said, I dont care if you scored 60 points or 0 points. I will love you no matter what.That was exactly what Kobe needed to hear. He knew that regardless of his behavior - he was safe. His father would love him.This protection gave Kobe permission to fail. It gave him permission to take risks. The buffer of his fathers love allowed Kobe to step outside of his comfort zone - to the only place high performance can exist.If you dont feel protected in your relationships, it can be hard to push your own boundaries. It can be hard to be free, because youre actually a slave to the relationship. This is living in an unhealthy dependent state where everything you do is based on trying to please other people.But when you feel loved and protected regardless of outcomes, then you can rise to independence and attempt things that will likely fail, often.The next season, Kobe began failing intensely and as a result he began learning intensely. He left his comfort zone behind and began playing in the realms of creativity and imagination - where no limits were placed upon him.All he had to do was step beyond the boundaries of who he had been in the past, and step into the new role and identity emblazoned in his own imagination and fortified by his fathers love.He embraced the unknown over and over because he was willing to be free - free to see what was possible, to fai l, to explore, to create. Free to become legendary.Thus, Kobes story highlights that we actually do need some form of stability in our lives - in his case his fathers love - to embrace the instability and unpredictability of massive growth and purpose.Much of our own personal experience will feel very insecure and hazy as we embrace new obstacles and challenges. But we will have a protection and trust we can hold on to, that gives us power and strength to face the uncertainty. For many, this protection comes from their Higher Power.ConclusionYou cannot be free without uncertainty.You cannot be free within your comfort zone.You cannot be free in your story.The price of freedom is uncertainty.If you can handle the emotional angst of not knowing what will happen, then you can absolutely be free.You can experience a level of freedom, creativity, success, and personal evolution that is extremely rare - not because it isnt possible, but because the price of uncertainty is more than mos t are willing to pay.Most people will rarely if ever genuinely create something. As educator and reformer, Sir Ken Robinson, has said, If youre not prepared to be wrong, youll never come up with anything original.If youre going to surpass the limiting confines of your current identity and past and enter a realm where practically anything is possible, you will need to embrace uncertainty.Youll need to stop obsessing about how things will turn out.Youll need to be okay when things fall apart.Youll need to get up immediately when you fail - or succeed - and approach the next goal.- - - Are you free, or are you a slave to certainty?Are you a slave to needing to know how things will turn out?If youre not free, then youre not living.If youre not free, then youre not evolving.If youre not free, then youre not learning and becoming. Rather, youre stuck in your past where its safe and known. Stuck in your experiences and nostalgia. Missing a world of limitless creativity and possibility and joy.The only thing you have to lose by stepping outside of certainty and outside of your story is your emotional attachment to your past. If you can let go of this attachment, then you have everything to learn and everything to gain.Will you be free?Ready toupgrade?Ive created a cheat sheet for putting yourself into a PEAK-STATE, immediately. You follow this daily, your life will change very quickly.Get the cheat sheet hereThisarticlefirst appeared on Medium.You might also enjoyNew neuroscience reveals 4 rituals that will make you happyStrangers know your social class in the first seven words you say, study finds10 lessons from Benjamin Franklins daily schedule that will double your productivityThe worst mistakes you can make in an interview, according to 12 CEOs10 habits of mentally strong people
Monday, December 9, 2019
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Salesforce Resume
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Salesforce Resume The Ugly Side of Salesforce Resume If you would like to be considered for each Salesforce role available, upload your resume today and were going to counsel you on all the career opportunities facing you. Employers are going to have the impression your job performance might be the precise same. The Salesforce professionals are among the highest paid professionals in the business. Customers will also gain from better customer support. Before you begin writing a work program, you will have to check whether the useful or chronological format can do the work right for you. Any theme with advanced choices for format is ideal because it is going to give you the important flexibility to format a successful resume. The illustration will help make certain that you compose a resume of your own that will decidedly be correct and in the correct format. Again, dont forget that it is to select the work application form at that most communicates to the audience how you provides what they are interested in. As a consequence, while your resume objective should consist of information about the career which you desire, additionally you have to explain why youll be the ideal candidate for the job. You will see primarily two sorts of career statement. The top most numbers are the range of accounts in every single category. When youre asking for employment which depends on the benefits of the individual, you will require a continue template that you can utilize somewhat more partality into for making it pop. Salesforce Resume the Ultimate Convenience View the target section for somewhere to highlight your abilities and successes rather than a wish list for the kind of position youd like to have. If youre requesting a job you have a great deal of relevant experience, its reasonable choose the date format. At least, the very first couple of bullet points in your resume should have a number. 1 thi ng a lot of people dont understand about writing resumes is you have to be certain it has all the pertinent information that will help you get hired. Salesforce Resume Explained Sometimes you may be uncertain even about the industry that you want to work in, and surely you wont have a great deal of skilled experience to back your objectives. Possessing a superior and skilled job application is important in the health healthcare field. Employing work application design template has become a satisfactory and smart practice for numerous elements. Resume goals can easily be a tiny controversial. There are a great number of forums throughout the web. Contemplating all the resources available through software and the internet these days, it may show up silly that Id personally provide you advice against by employing a continue template to generate an acting resume. Excellent web templates will also steer you get through the resume-building method, which is specially helpful if you re new to the task for building a very effective application. There are a lot of free resume web templates easily on the net but sometimes it can be extremely tough to choose the best the one that is most suited to you. The Awful Secret of Salesforce Resume Therefore, its very essential that the person they hire possesses these abilities and is in a position to demonstrate them. To begin with, think about the work explanation to check whether it indicates the kind of skills the provider is seeking. Salesforce Resume Help If youre aspired to construct a career in Salesforce, obtaining a Salesforce certification is the most suitable alternative for you. The administrator credential includes two levels that validate your abilities and allow you to stay conscious of the latest Salesforce releases. A wonderful Salesforce resume summary packs certain key terms and specific experiences hiring managers will start looking for. After all, theres absolutely no lack of demand for Salesf orce abilities. Choosing Good Salesforce Resume Conventional resumes have gotten stale and outdated. Resume templates are ideal for women and men that have a tendency have got the art of producing impressive resumes. Examples of resumes are among the absolute most helpful tactics to make sure that youre writing one which is good and thats correct for the specific job youre applying for. It is extremely easy to find examples for resumes which are job specific. Salesforce Resume - Is it a Scam? Youre in a position to comprehend why starting with an objective can actually undermine the potency of the rest of your job application whether the remainder of the continue is a work of genius. As stated previously should certainly choose skills with a lot of relevance to the job which youre attempting to get. It is very important that nearly whatever you placed on your resume is pertinent to the job which youre applying. Earliest you must find the job which you like and then set ab out discussing yourself within an intriguing way for the firm wont have any choice however they offer you the best job
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Want to Know More About Writing about Chatbot in Resume?
Want to Know More About Writing about Chatbot in Resume? The Secret to Writing about Chatbot in Resume In general, once the script was finished, I was happy with the form Id chosen. The main dialog invokes the new purchase dialog. Since youll see with the majority of our chatbot advertising examples, most bots attempt to keep away from totally open-ended messages that could lead to errors. Sometimes you must think beyond the chat window. Despite the fact that you bear in mind the conversational strategy, you may also benefit from using rich media like images, gifs, and videos. In a conventional program, everything starts with the most important screen. Well chatbot surveys could just be the remedy you are searching for. Stating a statistic of business growth indicates the possible employer what you have to give and exactly what youre capable of offering. Its important to bear in mind though that a recruitment chatbot isnt designed to replace a human. In addition, it pro vides the candidate a benefit to grab the interest of a possible employer early on every time a load of resumes is still just a see of formless data. LinkedIn resumes arent engaging. Where to Find Writing about Chatbot in Resume For example, if a client complains about a problem youre mindful of, you can get the bot offer them a discount voucher in the center of the survey. To implement the bot, you would want to stick to the chat cases supplied by your customer. Evidently, an app cant replace a true doctor, so in the situation you truly need one, you will be able to speak to a general practitioner through the app, also. For others, you are going to want a dedicated app. The schwefellost Secret of Writing about Chatbot in Resume Something as easy as twisting the concept into conversational surveys can effect an important difference. With a conventional survey, you can observe how many people accessed the shape and the number of people submitted it. There isnt any way you c an allow it to be too personal. You have to get his attention the conventional way. Who Else Wants to Learn About Writing about Chatbot in Resume? Personal Learning Experience Actually, all students are different and all them learn and receive the information in various ways too. For example, you can begin the conversation with a very simple HI and Gif. Writing chatbot conversation is just the same. Ok, I Think I Understand Writing about Chatbot in Resume, Now Tell Me About Writing about Chatbot in Resume Demonstrating fantastic writing on your resume tells a firms HR department they can depend on you to fill cross-functional jobs and provides you a competitive edge over other candidates. Its imperative you respect the fundamental fundamentals of conversational design. You dont require any coding skills whatsoever. AI technology has also advanced to the point at which voice digital assistants are starting to develop into useful for the normal consumer. One of the fundame ntal tenants of writing is to learn your audience. If you set certain numbers of job applications and resumes sent weekly, it is going to let you keep moving forward and keep a positive attitude. On occasion a quick certification program, either online or at a neighborhood college, can be only the thing you should land that dream job. Well, you can now have one, as a result of the chatbot.
Friday, November 29, 2019
The Race to Recruit STEM College Graduates
The Race to Recruit STEM College GraduatesThe Race to Recruit STEM College GraduatesThe Race to Recruit STEM College Graduates DeZubeIts a good year to be graduating from college, but a tough year to be recruiting college graduates especially STEM college grads (science, technology, engineering and math.)Data from Michigan State Universitys College Employment Research Institute shows companies of all sizes are responding bystepping up their recruitment of STEM college graduates.The CERI survey found on-campus recruiting exploded between 2013 and 2016. Companies responded to the increased competition byEstablishing internships and co-ops well before senior yearRecruiting throughout the entire academic yearSponsoring campus events to gain the inside lane on student recruitmentWe have more employers on campus and theyre here more often and theyre here earlier, says CERI Director Phillip D. Gardner, Ph.D. Even the small companies are more active in the internship and co-op space. Theyve already extended job offers to people theyve known over the past three of four years rather than showing up on campus senior year.The robust economy and low unemployment have forced companies to compete for STEM graduates, who comprise only 1% of the U.S. labor pool.Staffing firm Robert Half has seen an uptick of hiring nationally across the finance sector, including entry-level financial analysts, staff accountants and accounts payable roles, says Regional President Katie Essman.There just arent enough graduates out there to fill the roles companies are hiring for. The flow of graduates is not as good as the flow of positions, Essman says.Small Companies Are AppealingSmall-businesses and startups may have a recruiting edge over big companies this year. Only 15% of graduates want to work for a large organization, and another 45% prefer a midsize employer, according to the Accenture Strategy 2015 U.S. College Graduate Employment Study.In large measure, this is an issue related to or ganizational culture, the Accenture report found. New grads appear to be apprehensive about being lost in the shuffle of a large company.Todays students value innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship, characteristics associated with small businesses and startups, Gardner says.Know your Local Recruiting MarketWhile national trends are informative, local market conditions also influence graduate hiring. Organizations that lack the bandwidth to do recruitment research can reach out to a specialized staffing service, Essman says.The market is vastly different than it welches even a year ago, she says. Whether you do your own hiring or use a service, reach out for advice on salary trends, what people are looking for, and to find out what you can do to make your role more attractive.Student Recruiting TipsTo compete effectively for 2016 graduates, try these tips1. Make every job posting an advertisement.Job descriptions present an opportunity to sell both the position and the organizat ion, so be descriptive about why your company is a great place to work.Include a paragraph on the vision of your organization at the top of the page, says Sam McIntire, founder of the Deskbright online learning platform. This will orient readers to your management philosophy while emphasizing the fact that you care deeply about the business global impact.In the skills and responsibilities sections, highlight the soft traits your company values in outstanding employees, including a passion for your mission and enthusiasm for making a positive impact in the world, he says.Location is an important selling point in the job description, especially for recent grads. The temperature here in Colorado is 75 and if I were a recent grad, Id love to leave the office at 3 and go mountain biking, Essman says. So, a flexible schedule and a quick exit on Fridays would be fantastic to include in your job posting.2. Include your mission on your website.To appeal to Millennials, put a mission statemen t on your website emphasizing why your company is in business rather than what it does, McIntire says.Focus your employer brand messaging on the core set of values and beliefs that motivate employees to go to work every day, rather than the products and services that your organization offers.Google, for example, is an excellent case study in messaging done right. Rather than advertising a search engine that will help you browse the web, explains why search matters because everyone around the world deserves access to useful information, McIntire says.3. Create a social atmosphere.Millennialswant great employment experiences, says Judy Fisher, director of career services at Harvey Mudd College, Claremont, California. If you have social groups that get together or identify groups based on gender or activities, that will help them, she says.One employer that recruited at Harvey Mudd used poker to differentiate itself. They had a poker championship once a year where they pulled people in from all their affiliates, Fisher says.4. Send alums back to campus.Match employees who are close in age to college career fairs where theyre likely to know students offer incentives for referring potential hires.5. Consider less polished applicants.Technology graduates are in short supply, but there are always some kids that dont make it past the first round of interviews due to a lack of polish and social skills, Gardner says. Companies ignore them and they sit, he says.Those students, when paired with the right mentor, can pick up soft skills on the job.Another group that employers sometimes overlook Chemistry, physics and biology majors who anticipated moving on to graduate or professional schools, but didnt make the cut.Theyre out there with no lab or pre-professional work experience and those are smart kids, Gardner says. Companies with time to devote to on-the-job training will find they make great hires.
Monday, November 25, 2019
Fire Controlman (FC) Navy Job Description
Fire Controlman (FC) Navy Job DescriptionFire Controlman (FC) Navy Job DescriptionNavy fire controlmen (FC) operate certainweapons ordnungsprinzips aboard Navysurface combatant ships. It is a highly technical, highly challenging rating (as the Navy refers to its jobs) in the advanced electronics and computer field. Fire controlman is a highly competitive rating within the Navy, so standards for recruits are very high. If youre considering this rating, youll need to be mature and willing to take on a lot of responsibility, in plus-rechnen to having technical skill and expertise. Unlike other ratings,in addition to operating weapons systems, fire controlmen troubleshoot and repair the weaponsas well. These weapons systems include theTomahawk missile system, the Sea Sparrow missile system and the Harpoon missile systemas well asthe associated computer and sensor packages. Training Recruits cant enlist with the guarantee of an FC rating. Theyre required to enlist under the Navys adva nced electronics/computer field (AECF) and will spend about nine weeks in basic electronics training. Thats in addition to fire controlman A school for about 20 weeks, both of which are conducted at the Navy base in Great Lakes, Illinois. During the initial phase of AECF training, recruits are assigned to either the fire controlman rating or the electronic technician (ET) rating. These two ratings comprise the basis of a ships combat systems department, which are responsible for maintaining its readiness for combat operations. Duties The expanded duties of the fire controlman include operating and maintaining combat and weapons direction systems, surface-to-air and surface-to-surface missile systems and gun fire control systems. They also providesystem employment recommendations, performing maintenance on digital computer equipment systems, The fire controlman has other duties related to the upkeep and maintenance of a ships weapons systems, which include inspecting and testing micro- and minicomputers and related electronics. Working Environment The working environment for fire controlmen can include the entire Navy fleet of surface ships, including aircraft carriers and Aegis cruisers, as well as repair activities ashore. Job Requirements Recruits must score a combined 156 in the mathematics knowledge (MK), electronics information (EI) and general science (GS) portions of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, and a 222 on the arithmetic reasoning (AR) portion. Also, aspiring fire controlmen need to be able to qualify for secret security clearance, have normal color perception, normal hearing, and be a U.S. citizen. This rating has a 72-month enlistment obligation. Advancement opportunities and career progression for fire controlmen, as with many Navy ratings, are directly linked to the ratings manning level. Personnel in undermanned ratings have greater promotion opportunity than those in overmanned ratings. Sea/Shore Ro tation for Fire Controlmen First Sea Tour 60 monthsFirst Shore Tour 36 monthsSecond Sea Tour 60 monthsSecond Shore Tour 36 monthsThird Sea Tour 48 monthsThird Shore Tour 36 monthsFourth Sea Tour 48 monthsForth Shore Tour 36 months Sea tours and shore tours for sailors that have completed four sea tours will be 36 months at sea followed by 36 months ashore until retirement. Information from theNavy Personnel Command
Thursday, November 21, 2019
10 Dos Donts of Salary Negotiation
10 Dos Donts of Salary Negotiation10 Dos Donts of Salary Negotiation Should I tell them my salary range? Do I want too much? Am I undervalued? Will the recruiter try to lowball me? Do my colleagues earn more than me?These are the questions that may be running through your mind when you think about negotiating your salary for a new job. However, theres no need to rack your brain for answers to these questions. Glassdoor is here to help.Here are the dos and donts of salary negotiations.Bookmark this page.As part of the Glassdoor surveys , employed men and women were asked how confident they were about receiving a pay raise or cost-of-living increase. Almost always, men have shown greater confidence than women that they will get the increase. In fact, data shows men have been consistently about 6 percent more confident than women over the last seven years.However, confidence might be one key to closing the gender pay gap . Glassdoors recent gender pay gap report show s that there is an unadjusted pay gap between men and women of 24.1%, meaning women earn about $0.76 for every $1 a man earns. However, when we control for variables such as age, education, experience,occupation, industry, location, year, specific company and job title, the adjusted gender pay gap shrinks to 5.4%. Armed with a healthy dose of confidence, you can get the salary you deserve.Advice-landseeking is a powerful way to have influence without authority, says Adam Grant, aprofessor at Wharton School of Business and the author of Give and Take .If youre worried about manipulation, I have some good news it doesnt work if its bedrngnis authentic. In the best case scenario, the contact will take the initiative to advocate for you directly. Failing that, youll gain some valuable advice about who to approach and how to make your case, as well as some possible history on precedents for negotiating in your role.Thisrequires no hardball negotiating and keeps your integrity intact, insists Grant. If you are deciding between two companies and offers, be honest. All you need to do is share the terms of the competing offer, and say, Id rather come here. Is there anything you can do to make this an easier decision for me? More often than leid, the answer is yes.Take notes during negotiations, advises the LDS Employment Resource Services. Notes will help all parties recall what has already been discussed or decided. Be sure to get all offers in writing. Then, make sure to, Paraphrase to ensure understanding. Restate in your own words what the other person has said to make sure you understand correctly.A thank you note is an important follow-up after a face-to-face meeting, says career expert and writer Eileen Meyer. In addition to being a polite acknowledgment to those who met with you (whether your manager or an HR team member), a thank you note also gives you one more opportunity to remind them what a stellar employee they have in you.At some point, nearly every employer will ask what salary range youre looking for and this could happen as soon as their very first phone call to you, says Alison Green, author of How to Get a Job Secrets of a Hiring Manager . You want to be prepared for this in advance, because if youre caught off-guard, you risk low-balling yourself or otherwise saying something that will harm you in negotiations later. Be sure to do your homework ahead of time so that youre ready with an answer when the question comes up.Job seekers sometimes claim that theyre currently earning more than they really are, figuring that will help them get a higher offer from a new employer. But this can backfire because plenty of employers verify salary history, either by asking to see a recent pay stub or W-2, or by checking with the previous employer directly, insists Green. And even worse, its common to do this after youve already accepted a job offer, which means that you risk having the offer pulled over the lie, even after yo uve already accepted it and resigned your previous job.In response to an offer, restate the offer, sit quietly, and silently count to 10. Allow everyone time to consider. This technique may also prompt the employer to justify the offer, which could continue the negotiation process, or it could lead to a better offer, advises LDS ERS. When a final offer is extended, if it is not enough, thank the employer, provide a power statement that emphasizes your value, and ask for time to consider the offer.Be confident in what youre requesting, but understand that a negotiation is just that- a conversation, not a dictation. Listen to what the other side has to say and take it into consideration when offering up numbers, says career expert and experienced hiring manager Heather Huhman. Money is a sensitive subject for most people, but you should never let a company have full control over your worth. Be both knowledgeable and understanding when discussing a salary negotiation. If the negoti ation didnt fall in your favor, always factor in how much joy the position will bring you- because money isnt everything. Over-apologizing is a major turnoff and makes you appear anxious, fearful, and unsure, insists Huhman. When you make small mistakes or express an opinion, dont say sorry. Thats not to say you should ignore personal accountability. Certain situations do indeed warrant an apology. However, dont go overboard in negotiations.
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